Saturday, March 8, 2008

Authentic Happiness

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment

I've already explained in Books Travelling With Me how I'm not reviewing these books, but simply trying to explain why they are important to me. This is particularly true when it comes to Authentic Happiness, a truly scientific work on a subject so dear to all of us, but nonetheless hardly covered (that is until this book came) in a scientific way: Happiness.

I wont even try to tell you what is covered in the book. I can tell you though why this book is still in my backpack.

It is a constant reminder to me that Happiness is not money or lifestyle. You can easily get used and to both and not feeling fulfilled in that plateau.

It is a constant reminder that authentic happiness comes only from the deepest feeling.

And finally it is a constant reminder that Happiness comes not from avoiding challenges (that would sound like comfortable, wouldn't it?) but from the way we face them. Don't sweat out the small stuff, another travel companion, summarise it beautifully: There's no way to Happiness; Happiness is the way.

Whether you're young, old, travelling, working, settled down, happy or not, this book make a difference. After all isn't happiness what everybody, absolutely everybody wants?

Part of Books Travelling with Me Section. Read my personal disclaimer and find out about more books there.