Monday, September 8, 2008

Books Travelling with Me

My backpack is quite heavy. Still there are some books that even if I read already I am totally unwilling to let go, so they just.. travel with me. And it's good to have them with me, even if I might open them up again only every couple of months. Quite often when I do it though, I get a new injection of energy and perspective.

As these books are my travel companions I thought they deserve to be mentioned in my travel blog. So you'll find some posts here and there about them.

Personal Disclaimer:
I wouldn't be that pretentious to call these posts book reviews. Rather than reviews these posts explain what the books mean to me, and how they help me in my thoughts and decisions. See these posts as a friend simply talking about the last book he read.

The Road Less Travelled

An excellent travel companion. Eye-opener on Love and Spiritual Growth.

How to be a Complete and Utter Failure
The one that gave me the final kick and made me leave everything and go travelling.

Authentic Happiness

A classic. After all is it not what we are all looking for?

Conscious Business
An unusual book to bring travelling with you. Insightful nonetheless.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Got this one in OZ. Wish I had bumped into it earlier.

More books will be added as I keep picking them up on the way, although only few will be allowed to keep travelling with me.

So make sure to Subscribe by RSS or by Email if you don't want to miss them.