The park is a collection of important buildings and historical places from all over Thailand. Even the shape of the park itself resemble the elephant shape of Thailand. There are all kind of temples, stupas, monuments, statues, and many of them on water, just to get that extra beauty effect from your pictures.
The bad news is that everything you see is a replica, and having 109 of them after a while you get used to them, so only the most spectacular ones will catch your attention at the end.
Plenty of good news however: a stroll through the Ancient City will give you first of all a good idea of Thai history and architecture, especially if you don't have time and money to go all over the country. Even better, the park is an incredible quiet and relaxing place; even if you're not into Thai history or architecture is a great chance to get on your bike (provided with the admittance fee) and wander through the 320 acres of the park, stopping whenever you feel like at one one of the many stalls inside for a coffee, drink or lunch.
Almost no cars, (after witnessing a massinve traffic jam in a pedestrian area I wonder if there is a place in Thailand with no cars at all), not many tourist as the place is not well known and away from the city anyway, plus the aforementioned monuments, beautiful lakes, bayan trees, frangipani, and in some areas even deers and strange rugby ball shaped turkeys.
Depending on how long you spend in Bangkok and how much you enjoy noises, traffic, smog and pollution, you might find the Ancient City Park a little slice of paradise.
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