I came back to Lombok for various reasons.
First of all to see my friends and “extended family”. To live again the kampung life, and see how my friends are getting on.
Secondly I knew Joep and Marijke, the founders of Proyek Kampung Loco would be here at this time, so I wanted to meet them after hearing so much about them, discuss with them what else can be done for the village, and see if my familiarity with Internet applications could make life easier for the project.
Thirdly I came to here to close the circle. Lombok was my first destination on this trip around the world, and as I feel it's almost time to go back to old EU I wanted to come back to this island to close the circle, get some conclusions and move on (not simply move back) to my European life.
Already on the second day my friend Baong took me on a hike up the mountains. It was supposed to be from the top of the mountain, the Monkey Forest, all the way down to the village. Somehow it looked to me like the path (when there was one) was always uphill though.
Very tough hike (don't even want to know how many kms were involved, or how Baong can do it all barefoot) but stunning views of the mountains, the little villages, huts and Hindu temples up there, and the odd person coming down with wood or bananas to sell at the market.
But apart from that hike I didn't do any touristic activity. I've seen most of the places of interest in Lombok in my previous visits, plus this time I didn't come to do sightseeing but to see and spent time with my friends. An so I did. Hours and hours chatting and messing in the bruga with the folks, drinking coffee, eating fried bananas, and other unpronounceable but delicious snacks.
And of course there was Bemo shopping. With Marijke and Joep, the founders of the Kampung Loco Proyek, and the lads from the village we went around investigating prices for a bemo (minivan) to bring the kids to school, licenses involved etc. But more on this soon...
Read the Previous Lombok stories...